Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Sit back and let the evening go Sgt. So may I introduce to you, the act you've known for all these years They've been going in and out of style but they're guaranteed to raise a smile.

'Cause you know darling I love only you Don't pass me by don't make me cry don't make me blue Does it mean you don't love me any more. You keep all your money in a big brown bag inside a zoo Yes I get by with a little help from my friends, Oh I get by with a little help from my friends, I can't tell you, but I know it's mine. What do you see when you turn out the light, Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time. Would you believe in a love at first sight, Could it be anybody / I want somebody to love. Do you need anybody, / I need somebody to love. No I get by with a little help from my friends, Going to try with a little help from my friends. I get high with a little help from my friends, I get by with a little help from my friends, Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, What would you think if I sang out of tune, But as an album it's ultimately forgettable, which is something the Beatles so rarely were otherwise.With a Little Help from My Friends song lyrics As a souvenir of the film, Yellow Submarine has its place, and in fairness, it was never intended as a major release. But it's very easy to forget that the music has anything to do with the Beatles, or even popular music of the last 50 years, at least until the "Yellow Submarine" melody returns in "Yellow Submarine in Pepperland". The blandly anonymous but beautifully recorded swoop of strings, self-consciously "exotic" percussion, and recurring thematic motifs serve as an intriguing sort of time capsule of a time when light "beautiful music" still commanded the ears of a sizeable listening pubic. Personally, I can enjoy this stuff when I'm in the mood. Pieces like "Pepperland", "Sea of Holes", and "March of the Meanies", however they were received at the time, function now primarily as garish kitsch, lushly orchestrated orchestral music that could have come from anywhere. To round out the album, the second side of Yellow Submarine is filled with George Martin's score for the film. They might be second-rate Beatles songs, but still. For McCartney's part, "All Together Now" is a cheery and pleasant sing-along befitting an animated soundtrack, and Lennon's "Hey Bulldog" is a tough and funky piano-driven rocker, by a good margin the best song here. But "It's All Too Much" stretches on for an endless six and a half minutes, the constipated production in fruitless search of a tune. "Only a Northern Song" at least has a good joke going for it, simultaneously alluding to the North of England and the Beatles' Lennon-McCartney-dominated publishing company (i.e., no matter what Harrison wrote for this particular number, it belonged to Northern Songs, Ltd.). "Only a Northern Song" and "It's All Too Much" are filled with swirling psychedelic production- tooting horns, backward instruments, shimmering percussion- but beneath the din there's not much else interesting going on. Neither of Harrison's songs ranks with his best. But even setting aside their exceedingly high standards, this lot is pretty middling, if certainly still enjoyable. Granted, we're talking about a time when the Beatles were making some of the finest pop albums of all time, so the question of what constitutes "good enough" is relative. They never found release during the time they were recorded because, well, they weren't good enough. The other four were holdovers from sessions in 1967 (Paul McCartney's "All Together Now", George Harrison's "It's All Too Much" and "It's Only a Northern Song") and 1968 (John Lennon's "Hey Bulldog"). Of the six tracks by the Beatles on the album's first side, two, "Yellow Submarine" and "All You Need Is Love", are already familiar from their original contexts (as part of Revolver and as a single, respectively). So actors mimicked their voices, their input into the story consisted of a meeting or two with the filmmakers, and when it came time to assemble the soundtrack, they combed through the vault to see what was left over. Brian Epstein had died in August, and with him gone, there was little motivation for the Beatles to participate in any meaningful way. And while the record releases associated with Magical Mystery Tour are of staggeringly high quality, the Yellow Submarine soundtrack is like the work of a supremely talented band that couldn't really be bothered. While the latter film was derided as pretentious and incoherent, the Yellow Submarine feature was well-received. In one sense, the Yellow Submarine project is the opposite of Magical Mystery Tour.